Monday, September 27, 2010

It's a NING, man

I have used a Ning in a few graduate classes and have enjoyed the experience. Our classes used it as a discussion board, a place to upload, share and comment on one another's writing pieces, post podcasts we created and upload links and videos we thought related to the class. It is very user-friendly and would be a great way to extend your classroom onto the web. Students and parents would be kept updated, discussions could continue and a community of practice could be created.

A Ning that I have been a member of and find extremely useful and interesting is the University at Buffalo's English Education Ning. There are discussion boards that involve my content area as well as what is going on in the world of education, people share job openings, and you can network with current and past students of UB's English education program. One of the best things about this Ning is that it is constantly being updated and added to, it is never stagnant. I have used this NING as a way to see what others are doing in the classroom, as well as look for job openings.

The only problem I now have with NING is that it has gone to a pay model. There is a sponsor that will pay for your educational NING to stay active, but I have heard talk that the guidelines to qualify are a bit stringent.

The Old Lump of Clay?

The learner of today is like a lump of clay. The learner is like this raw, unshaped form that is not yet aesthetically pleasing but through outside instruction and guidance as well as a learner's own internal desires and goals, the clay can be shaped into a masterpiece. Siemen's article explains connectivism as a way to "provide insight into learning skills and tasks needed for learners to flourish in a digital era". I was hesitant to use clay as an analogy because it has little relation to our technologically advanced world but he also goes on to describe learning as "a lasting charged state brought about as a result of experiences and interactions with context or other people". A lump of clay will have gone through several transformations before turning into a final product. Learners are always being molded and shaped through their interactions in their own minds and the ones they engage in through the various networks available to them.

I initially struggled to wrap my head around Siemen's theory because I couldn't think of a time where learning ever lacked "connectivity". Listening to Siemen explain in his video of The Changing Nature of Knowledge helped clear a few things up for me. Technology is changing so rapidly in our world today that I agree that we have "to continue to stay knowledge changes" and that we have to utilize our "network of knowledge" because "the network becomes the learning". Students will come into our classrooms with a variety of networks - home, family, friends, social, digital - to ignore these vital networks and not incorporate into the classroom would be a huge disservice to our students. Technology will only continue to advance and we must stay as current and connected as possible.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Pay Attention made me do exactly that. I consider myself a student of technology as well as a user but have never thought of myself as a teacher of technology. That realization gave me pause. Is it enough that I'm aware of all these technological tools that are out there that my students may or may not be using? The answer is no. I not only have to be aware of them but be aware of the vital role they play in my student's lives as well as how to use that technology to engage them in the classroom lessons.

The video provided shocking statistics on the hours adolescents will spend engaged with different aspects of technology, it is an absolute waste to not take advantage of the digital literacies our student's will have and begin to incorporate them into our classrooms. The video found herehelps show how vital technological awareness will be to our student's future success. It is time for the educators of America to wake up and utilize all the advantages technology has to offer us and our students.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Blog Saftey

  • Make sure that the school, administration and parents are aware and on the same page about the role a blog will play in your classroom.
  • Ensure that students can't be identified - use only first names or generic pseudonymous and make sure students know not to post any identifying details about themselves, friends or family, location and school.
  • Clearly explain to students that they are expected to conduct themselves on the blog just as they would in the classroom - using appropriate language and responding helpfully and respectfully to classmates.
  • If possible, enable some comment moderation so nothing unsuitable or inappropriate can be posted.
  • Limiting blog access so only students, parents, teachers and administrators have access to the blog. If possible remove it from search engine features and make it private.
  • Having students and parents sign a permission slip stating that they will not share or give out the blog address, user log-ins and passwords.
  • Consider a class blog as opposed to individual student blogs, this will make it easier to monitor content.

My problem lies in the fact that my district blocks all wikis/blogs from use in the classroom. I can most certainly work around this with a quick meeting with my tech team, but I would first have to prepare a statement on their usefulness in the classroom.

Using Blogs in the Classroom

Before coming up with a few ways I could use blogs in the classroom I stepped back to really think about the why factor of blogs. As educators we can’t ignore emerging technologies. What our students are doing at home will always affect what happens at school. Students are using, and becoming proficient at, social networking, blogging, instant messaging and it would be extremely wasteful - and borderline irresponsible - to not incorporate student's out of school literacies into our classrooms. If we can embrace these technologies and can help students learn to use them responsibly we can add exciting new elements to our classroom lessons.

Blog Ideas

  • One way I believe I could use blogs in the ELA classroom would be with literature circles. During the reading of a novel students are expected to summarize and react to the book and any other supplemental materials with their thoughts, opinions, ideas and critiques. Using a blog with this activity could help encourage students to read and revise their thoughts as well as comment on the work of their classmates. This helps to create more of an ongoing conversation that can constantly be added to and referred back to rather than a stagnant written response that gets lost and forgotten in a locker or binder. This activity would easily meet NYS ELA standard 2 - Students will read, write, listen, and speak for literary response and expression.
  • A blog would be an ideal tool to engage in a collaborative project with another class. With the power of the web, classes across the hall or across the country from one another can work together. An English class can collaborate with a history class while they are reading a historical novel in order to learn more about the time period and significant people and events. Students can contribute to an online discussion board to help facilitate everyone's learning and encourage questions. This would help students develop a deeper and more complex understanding of the novel. This activity would meet NYS ELA standard 4 - Students will read, write, listen, and speak for social interaction.
  • Thanks to many of my graduate school classes one of the first uses for a blog that comes to my mind is using it for a class discussion board. Time for discussion in class is limited and some students may not feel comfortable participating. Extending this process to a blog allows everyone to participate, often with more thought and a richness that’s not possible in real time. Students can explore and respond thoughtfully to the text in ways that aren't always possible within the confines of the traditional classroom. The discussion board can be used when the class is reading a novel in order to respond to certain passages, key quotes or general themes. A teacher can have a weekly question or prompt to get students thinking and constantly writing. The class discussions also become a sort of online portfolio for students to see how they've grown in their writing and responses. This activity would meet NYS ELA standard 4 - Students will read, write, listen, and speak for critical analysis and evaluation.